
Louis Goldstein is Professor of Linguistics at the University of Southern California. His work for ToPIQQ includes dynamic modelling, which has been applied to, among other things, Tashlhiyt Berber data.
Email: louisgol(at)

Martine Grice is Professor of Phonetics at the Universität zu Köln. She is involved in the project on Tashlhiyt Berber, which is spoken in Morocco, together with Rachid Ridouane. With Anne Hermes she is also coordinator of ToPIQQ.
Email: martine.grice(at)

Carlos Gussenhoven is Emeritus Professor of General and Theoretical Phonology at the Universiteit Nijmegen. His work within ToPIQQ focuses on Zwara Berber, spoken in Libya near the border with Tunisia.
Email: c.gussenhoven(at)
Anne Hermes works on the articulation of geminates in Tashlhiyt Berber with Rachid Ridouane and she is also involved in the coordination the ToPIQQ project together with Martine Grice.

Joyce McDonough is Associate Professor at the University of Rochester and PI of the Athabaskan project, in which she does research on how tonal alignment and tonogenesis compare across a group of Athabaskan/Dene languages spoken in Northwestern Canada.
Email: joyce.mcdonough(at)

Bert Remijsen is a Chancellor’s Fellow at the University of Edinburgh. He currently works on alignment in Shilluk and Dinka, both of which languages are Western Nilotic and primarily spoken in south Sudan.
Email: b.remijsen(a)

Rachid Ridouane’s research concerns various aspects of the phonology of Tashlhiyt Berber and within ToPIQQ he works on intonational aspects of the language together with Martine Grice.
Email: rachid.ridouane(at)